In accordance with the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021, Ysgol Morgan Llwyd will introduce the new Curriculum for Wales, from September 2023 onwards. The curriculum will be in place for years 7 and 8 in 2023-24, for year 9 in 2024-25, year 10 in 2025-26 and year 11 in 2026-27.
The Curriculum for Wales is about ensuring that all children and young people have universal access to, and acquisition of, the experiences, knowledge, and skills they need for employment, lifelong learning, and active citizenship.
There are four purposes at the heart of the Curriculum, namely to develop:
- ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
- enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
- ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
- healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
This corresponds with the school’s vision to create 'a proud, welcoming community that is passionate about each individual's ability to achieve their potential and ambition, and to develop into a happy, confident, independent and responsible member of their society.'
The school will provide lessons for pupils within the Six Areas of Learning and Experience, namely:
- Performing Arts
- Languages and Literacy
- Health and Well-being
- Science and Technology
- Mathematics and Numeracy
- Humanities
Subjects such as Personal and Social Education, Religion and Ethics, and Relationships and Sexuality Education will be taught within these areas as well as during registration sessions and during occasional events.
In Year 7, pupils will receive 7 lessons on a carrousel completing six projects relating to the six areas of learning as well as a 7th project concentrating on developing skills and outside learning. As well as the project lessons, pupils will also receive the following lessons:
- Performing Arts – Art (1), Music (1)
- Languages and Literacy – Welsh (3), English (3), French (2)
- Health and Well-being – Physical Education (2)
- Science and Technology – Science (3), Technology (2)
- Mathematics and Numeracy – Mathematics (3)
- Humanities – Humanities (3)
The main purpose of these lessons is to develop subject-specific and cross-curricular skills so that the pupils have a solid foundation to build on as they move up the school.
In year 8, the project lessons will be reduced to 3 and the focus will be on elements of Personal and Social Education. The lessons within the areas of learning will continue with the development of subject-specific and cross-curricular skills. Subjects will be taught as follows:
- Performing Arts – Art (2), Music (1), Drama (1)
- Languages and Literacy – Welsh (3), English (3), French (2)
- Health and Well-being – Physical Education (2)
- Science and Technology – Science (3), Technology (2)
- Mathematics and Numeracy – Mathematics (4)
- Humanities – Humanities (4)
There are no 'project' lessons in year 9. The timetable will include one well-being lesson to focus on aspects of health and well-being, relationships and sexuality education, as well as digital literacy skills. There will be increased focus on individual disciplines in lessons within the areas of learning and experience to transition and prepare pupils for GCSE courses. Year 9 pupils will choose their own GCSE subjects during the second term and will start the courses they have chosen during the second half of the third term.
- Performing Arts – Art (2), Music (1), Drama (1)
- Languages and Literacy – Welsh (4), English (3), French (2)
- Health and Well-being – Physical Education (2), Wellbeing (1)
- Science and Technology – Science (3), Technology (2)
- Mathematics and Numeracy – Mathematics (4)
- Humanities – History (2), Geography (2), Religious Education (1)
In years 10 and 11, pupils will study core GCSE subjects (Welsh Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, and the Welsh Baccalaureate) as well as three optional subjects. Alternative courses are offered to some students, such as finance courses, ‘Llwyddo’ courses, and Prince's Trust courses at the Venture.
Pupils who choose to attend the school’s sixth form will study three A Level subjects (sometimes four) and the Welsh Baccalaureate.
The levels given at the end of the key stages will cease with the arrival of the Curriculum for Wales. It will be the school's responsibility to decide on, and implement, its own assessment methods. When assessing tasks in years 7 and 8, teachers will give an effort grade (A-Ch) and an achievement grade (1-4), depending on the standard of the subject-specific skills demonstrated.
Effort Grade |
Achievement Grade |
A = Excellent effort |
1 = Exceptionally high subject standards |
B = Good effort |
2 = High subject standards |
C = Satisfactory effort |
3 = Low subject standards |
CH = Insufficient effort |
4 = Exceptionally low subject standards |
The above system will also be in place for year 9 but the achievement grades will start to correspond with GCSE grade descriptors to transition the two stages. Pupils will take a series of external tests alongside subject assessments such as the national reading and numeracy tests and MidYIS or CAT tests. In year 9, test results will be used to draw up the initial GCSE targets as the basis for subject targets which will be confirmed in the first term of year 10.
In terms of GCSEs, A Levels and other qualifications, grades will be awarded in accordance with the exam boards' marking schemes.
Ysgol Morgan Llwyd is a Welsh-medium secondary school, therefore, every subject except for English is taught through the medium of Wales. Some external providers such as Coleg Cambria and the Venture will run some courses through the medium of English. Pupils who join the school through the Immersion scheme will be taught separately until they are confident to join the mainstream, which is usually at the beginning of year 8.